My Heroes Ask Wallflowers To Dance

In December 2012, I published my heart and soul in my book, “My Heroes Ask Wallflowers To Dance,” a tribute to my brother who died of cystic fibrosis, to my parents who fought for his (and my) survival, and to my lung donors who suffered, pain, discomfort and faced possible death so that I might live. ย You can check out the full synopsis here on Amazon. ย xo! ย You can also check out this article published in the Ensign magazine about my story.




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  1. Melissa says

    I just read your article in the Ensign and wept. What an amazing, inspirational story! I really want to read your book now!

    • Jen says

      You are so sweet Melissa! It has been quite an amazing journey and I feel blessed every single day! I’ve been told my book is the” most heartbreaking inspirational book” someone has ever read. So if you want to cry some more….:)

  2. Judith Scott says

    Dear Jen,

    I wish to thank you with all my heart, for having the courage to overcome insurmountable odds, and live to inspire others to never give up.

    Although your journey has been frought with suffering and pain, you never gave up hope. Not only that, but you were somehow able to retain your humour and enthusiasm, for creating the very best dishes that I have ever made. The flavours just sing!

    I am so looking forward to reading your book. I know that tears will be shed, but I also have a feeling that it will become one of the Pillars of Courage, in my life.



    • Jen says

      Hi Judith, Thank you so much for your super thoughtful message! I don’t even know how to respond – I am just so humbled to think I might uplift others in some small way. I am excited for you to read my book. You will learn more about me and my family than you ever wanted to know ๐Ÿ™‚ Much love and God bless!

  3. jaki says

    I am receiving your book today. My wonderful nephew Jack is bringing it to me. He is an angel himself.
    He has shared your recipes with me and YUM.
    Anxious to now share your ups and downs.
    Hugs … jaki

    • Jen says

      Hi Jaki, I am so honored for you to share in my family’s journey, thank you! A big hug to you and your nephew! xo

  4. Lisa Johnson says

    Hi Jenny, I was just doing my meal planning for the week and came upon some of your recipes (can’t wait to try!), and of course your amazing story! I am so touched by people like you and so thankful that modern technology allows us to learn of others trials and triumphs. Me and my daughter would love to read your book and I am pretty sure we will be stealing more of your yummy recipes! I pray for good health to continue to follow you! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Jen says

      Hi Lisa, so nice to “meet” you! Thank you so much for taking time to read my story and for the prayers and kind words! I have been surrounded by incredibly giving, selfless individuals in my life from my donors and parents to strangers like you who brighten my day! I hope you and your daughter enjoy my book – and don’t cry too hard ๐Ÿ™‚ May God’s choicest blessings attend you and your family!

  5. Laurie Giovanetto says

    Having been both a critical care cardiothoracic and cardiovascular RN and a Labor &Delivery RN in a tertiary care hospital, I am only too aware of what your survival means. I started nursing after college in 1972…I lost my oldest son from heart disease unexpectedly in 2006. My heart goes out to you and your parents over the loss of your beloved brother, a space in your hearts that will never be filled. But you are a true miracle and even with a science education, I firmly believe some things are up to God. I have the utmost respect for you and your parents for all the years past of pain, hope, love, grief and perseverance! God bless you all and your supportive husband and daughter Kiwi.

    • Jen says

      Hi Laurie, thank you so much for your kind, thoughful comment and all your decades of serving others as a nurse. I know you have made a differnece in countless lives. I am so sorry for the loss of your son as well. I am sure he felt very blessed to you call you his parents. I truly am grateful for the Lord’s hand in my life and am in awe as at all the present and past miracles. I completely agree, some things are up to God and I have learned to trust his will and be at peace come what may. Thank you for your encouragement and well wishes! May God bless you and yours as well! xoxox

  6. Tammy Brady says

    Hi Jen your story is amazing and inspirational , had a step daughter with cf and she was alot like you, a fighter in life and live life like no other. anyhow just wanted to say love all your recipes, came across your Baja Fish tacos that was the first and it was soooo delicous! then southwest egg rolls again, delicious and love the sauces that go with these. i have got my eye on the honey chipotle chicken tacos with blt slaw looks amazing can’t wait to try. how did you ever learn to cook so good your flavor combinations and sauces are just so many depths of flavor. love love love thank you so much for all the great recipes and may your life journey bring you all the great happiness that you deserve

    • Jen says

      Thank you so so much Tammy for your wonderful comment and well wishes, I so appreciate you reaching out! I always love hearing what recipes readers are drawn to and you have great taste – some of my favs ๐Ÿ™‚ I have always loved to cook and experiment – in my young college days and ever since, I hardly ever made the same recipe twice because its just too fun to create something new ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you again for taking time to make my heart smile. All the best to you and yours as well! xo

  7. Becky Pfister says

    Wow! I just found your blog when I googled recipies using apple vinegar and saw your ham recipie. I had to laugh when you said your centerpiece was the ham and you had “funeral” potatoes….then laughed some more when i saw you are a sister in Christ because it seems only church goers use the phrase “funeral” in describing potatoes or green beans, etc. We all know that means a huge batch and tons of butter. Tons. Lol! I pray you have a wonderful Christmas and hope you are feeling well. Some people put their pity party robe on and keep it on. Others, like you, put it on for awhile, then take it off and get back to living each day again. Thanks for sharing your life with us. I am 67 and I have seen people struggle with this disease, you seem to be doing well. Becky from Indiana

    • Jen says

      LOL! “Funeral potatoes” is quite the funny name to describe cheesy potatoes – funny how traditions start and never stop! Thank you so much for your kind comment Becky. I am grateful every day to be alive. As one of my favorite quotes says, “We are only as happy as we are grateful” – so I try and keep that in mind because I want to be happy ๐Ÿ™‚ I am so grateful for kind people l like you who make this world a better place. I pray for your health and happiness!

  8. Colleen says

    Hi, Jen. I just came across your blog via Pinterest. I will be trying the chicken lasagna soup tomorrow. I am a parent of a young adult son with cf. I am sorry for your loss of your brother. Your story is very inspirational.

    • Jen says

      Hi Colleen, welcome and thank you for your kind words. There are far too many individuals with CF who die too young but I’m so grateful for modern medicine that keeps improving the quality of life! I know you have been your son’s angel growing up through all the treatments and health challenges – no one knows how much it really requires of the whole family, but especially the caregiver. May God bless you and your family with health and happiness! xo

  9. Jim Morris says

    I am a regular follower of your recipe blogs, was attracted because I still miss Carlsbad 37 years after moving out of state. I love this book title because of a personal experience. in 1962 I lost my girlfriend in a traffic accident in the mountains. She was the editor of the High School Yearbook and my cousin was her assistant. a few years later he asked me to be his then assistant’s date for grad night (Disneyland) as she had no date. Big, husky girl.
    Of course, I did it and had such a wonderful evenng that I dated her all that summer including Bleafonte at the Greek Theatre, Lost track of her over the nedt few years due to time away with the army. Wish I had stayed in touch; that summer with a girl I never would have picked out of a crowd was wonderful.

    • Jen says

      I LOVE your story Jim, thank you so much for sharing! No doubt your actions and friendship not only enriched your life but hers as well!